Pink Julep's New Obsession: Metromint Water

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I'm kind of in love with Metromint! It's a little pricy (at least here on island it is) but totally worth it on a super hot day! So far I've tried the Lemonmint, Cherrymint and Peppermint flavors and I love them all! I was excited to read about the benefits of drinking mint water after I tried it and to also discover that Tom Cruise and Brittany Snow are also fans. Check out this little blurb about it on

Hubs doesn't like it. He says it's like drinking Listerine or toothpaste and you might find that as well. But on a scorcher of a day like today has been, I find it leaves my insides feeling cool and tingly! And with benefits such as tension ease and aiding digestion, it's like magic bonus water! Loves it! I think the Cherrymint is my favorite so far!

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