The London Surrey Cycle Classic

There was much excitement this morning when the London Surrey Cycle Classic wizzed by our windows at an early hour! We woke up and poked our heads out the window to watch the bikes zoom by and then rolled over for another 20 minutes of snoozing.

Even better was that the route called for the cyclists to double back around 2 hours later at which point we were poised at the window for photographing of the event! It was pretty exhilarating to seeing them ride by, all so close together and incredibly fast!

This race was a trial for the opening event of the London 2012 Olympics as well, testing out the route that will be used for the road race next year! It's pretty exciting that an Olympic event will pass right outside my living room window! I'm excited!

Congratulations to Mark Cavendish who won the race! To read more about it, click here. Do any of you have plans to attend any events at the London 2012 Olympics next year?

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