Happy Wednesday!

First thing's first.. New Kids On The Block was soooo much fun! I took three of my closest girlfriends and we had an absolute blast! We had great seats, and overall it was just a fun, flash-back to the 90's night! The Palace of Auburn Hills was FULL of women.. we were on the younger end (since we were about 4 or 5 when they actually came out).. all the way to mid-thirty-ish. It was a total girls night out, by the thousands! Here are some pictures from our seats:

^There's Joey.. my first celebrity crush!

Anyway, lots of fun. Definitely recommend the show to anyone who loved them back in the 90's. Make it a girls night out!

In other news, I'm sooo glad to be home for a nice relaxing evening. The week has already been a long one; I had an online exam and evening class yesterday, on top of my long work days, and I'm glad for a free evening. I'm going to be making Salmon in a Pouch tonight for my TOF Part III, and I'm very excited because it sounds sooo yummy! L and I went grocery shopping Monday night for all of the ingredients and we were just drooling over the thought of the finished product! :-)

Well, I'm off to do a little run and start dinner before L gets home from work!


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