College Attire

Again, with all the college information, I'm sure you guys have had enough of it! Today I wore this: 

It is seriously the perfect weather here right now. I had on my pink Lilly Madge fleece and black JR's, and was so comfy! This is by no means the usual for me because I'm typically in a polo and/or a sweater for class, but I woke up 10 minutes before class started! Yikes! Thankfully I can walk about 10 steps out of my dorm and get right into the building where my 8am English class is. 

Recently I've been thinking (again) about how sloppily college kids dress. I looked online to see if I could find college rules for dressing, but nothing came up with that title. I came upon the FABULOUS website (they have no idea I'm posting this as I type it now) and it gave me exactly what I was looking for! Under their "features" section there is a feature named At College. They put the rules for dressing for class very well: 
While the Etiquette Grrls realize that for many young people, college represents Sudden Freedom from the constraints of Prep School Dress Codes, we were entirely shocked to find that so many of Our Peers took this as license to wear nasty sweatpants and ripped t-shirts to class! Dear Reader, college classes, whether they be seminars or lectures, are Public Events, and you should dress presentably! While a skirt or dress is not required for girls, nor a coat and tie for boys, you should always wear neat, clean, attractive clothing.
I couldn't agree more! I feel like the very least thing that you can do is wear jeans. None of this "leggings" stuff, it looks like you're not wearing pants and your whole behind is RIGHT there! There is even a girl in my nursing class that doesn't wear shoes. If you want to be a nurse, how could you take ALL those risks by not wearing shoes at a college campus?? I think that there is no excuse for people who wear sweatpants to class. In my closet, my jeans sit right next to my sweatpants so there is no difference in the time it takes to put jeans on or find them, it is the least you can do fellow scholars!

I hope people out there agree and aren't just "tsk"-ing when you read this!



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