Yea or Nay: Beds Under Windows..

As a compulsive re-arranger (that's another post!)
this weekend I shuffled around our master bedroom..

and the bed landed under the window.

this is a room in progress, so please do not judge me by those awful lamps :)
I haven't found the exact right ones yet and so we are living with
old-shades-plunked-on-too-small-not-as-old lamps..
I have learned the hard way to wait and buy the perfect lamp or I will just be replacing them yet again..

The bedside table are the right height for our enormous bed,
but are going to be receiving a bit of a makeover in the coming weeks.
On a side note, we just added the orange sheets.. which is what started this rearranging madness..
aren't they a little bit of happy?
 I have thoroughly enjoyed waking up to them the past couple of mornings..

But I digress.. beds under windows - it seems I'm not alone


I've never placed a bed under a window before, or recommended it to anyone for their own space.
there's the draftiness issue..
although I've been known to crack our window open in the dead of winter for lack of oxygen

and the majority of the textiles then live in the same spot -
so no curtains, or the curtains must complement the bed..
then my husbands cousin seriously informed us this weekend placing your bed under a window lets bits
of your soul escape while you are sleeping, which seems rather unpleasant  ;)

of course that goes along with the Feng Shui principles as well, which advocate placing your bed solidly along the back wall to the right of the doorway..
but with this current layout my bedroom feels enormous!

AND we are facing the fireplace,
with my soon-to-be-recovered chippendale sofa tucked the end of the bed,
 both of which I love..

Have you placed a bed under a window?
What are your thoughts on this?

til next time..


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