And here it is!

I love love love it! Everytime the light hits it at work, I can't help but stop what I'm doing to stare! Some of the girls at work have caught me a few times :-)

So here is the story! We have been talking about getting married for quite some time. I definitely had an idea that it was coming. I was looking for any "out of the ordinary" moment or doing on his part because then I would just know that this was it! Well, he's quite the little sneaky one.. We came home from my mom's at around 10 PM Sunday night, and as I was getting ready for bed, I walked into a room and closed the door behind me. A few minutes later I turned to leave, opened the door that led into the hallway and there he was! On one knee, in the hallway, ring and box in hand with the biggest grin on his face! My hands immeadiately flew to my face and all I could say was "Oh my God!" Its funny how you can know its coming but the minute it happens you go into shock! He asked me to be his wife and of course I said "of course!" We hugged and kissed and laughed for a long time, with a few of my squeels and shrieks in there too. It was just perfect. Just the two of us, in our home, ready to start our "official" life together. :-) I am so beyond happy to be his fiance. I'm even happier that I will be his wife! What a wonderful time this is!

Yesterday was L's birthday and we went to his parents' house to celebrate his day and our engagement. They gave us the most beautiful Christmas ornament that reads our full names and our engagement date. I can't wait to hang it on our tree in December!
And you know that my mom has been chomping at the bit to go dress shopping. Well, she called me yesterday and told me not to make plans for next Saturday because THAT is what we will be doing! :-)

What a wonderful, exciting time this is! I can't wait to start planning! This blog is officially becoming a part-wedding blog! And, I'm so happy to have you all follow along the way!


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