Working Hard or Hardly Working?

Today I've been super duper productive! The farther I get into college, the more I realize how much I like to plan things. Today alone, I've worked on planning two huge events! I'm organizing a big dinner for the class of 2009 since we're high school alumni! I'm trying to figure out a venue that will support a large group but no catering or things like that. Ideally, I'd like a restaurant that is semi-suffering from the economy so that they'll be happy to take a group of college kids between 30-50 in number. I have 3 spots in mind secretly. Facebook has been extremely useful since everyone checks it and it makes RSVP-ing super easy! I've also made my Facebook group for my Lilly collegiate representing and in 5 hours my membership is steadily increasing so I'm very proud! I got my official advertising package with order forms, personalizing forms, samples, etc, etc, etc. I couldn't be more excited to throw a Lemonade party next semester! I emailed the sorority presidents today hoping that they'd pass on my email to the sisters! YAY! I can't wait to see what happens with that! Not to mention, Emma came today and we had such a good visit! Her grandparents came too and made the day very interesting. She was surprised at how much she liked the University, so I was excited. From her high school and my high school, she knew of so many people who had applied to USC which is awesome! Its really becoming popular in MD! Here we are back in the summer:

Tomorrow I have a busy day studying for a test that I have on Monday as well as a party tomorrow night and an important meeting that will take most of Sunday I believe! Then, next thing I know, I'm flying home on Tuesday! I'm so excited!

The more busy I become, the less I think about being home which is definitely good because I am certainly ready for a break. I can't believe that I will be back home in 4 days!!! My closest girlfriends are meeting at a friend's house on Wednesday night to have a HUGE catch-up sesh since it will be the first time we've seen each other since we said our weepy goodbyes! I have so much to look forward to in the next few days that I know I can make it through to Tuesday and then to Thanksgiving and then to the CLEMSON game!!



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