Blackberry or iPhone?


I've never been into video games.
I have an iPod.
I love my blackberry.

(the excuses because I use BBM so much reasons for why I didn't make the switch to an iPhone earlier)

I use a mac.
I present images to clients all the time.
My rollerball broke. Again.

The time had come to say goodbye to my blackberry and, have to say, I am in app heaven!

Started with the Benjamin Moore, 
the wonder app that scans any surface and color matches it to one of their paint hues..
then ColorSnap from Sherwin-Williams,
 which can customize color with lightness, saturation and hue features..

I'm sure you all have iHandy Level iPhone app, this is really cool.
Your phone can tell you if the art you are installing in your clients home is perfectly level - LOVE it!

Got the really useful MacBox Units iPhone app -
 converts measurements from metric to imperial, among others things -
perfect for a Canadian designer who does work for my lovely neighbors to the south :)

The Handyman DIY app is fantastic for recording the measurements of a room,
 and itemizes all the plugs, switches and so on..
it allows you to organize lists of materials, tasks, etc for each room - so helpful!

Now I'm looking at the Mark On Call app for floor plan genius, 
and apparently it lets you scan any finish and skin it onto any item in your online pic-
this would be so helpful for color visualization.
Anyone tried it?

Must admit, friday night, when my blackberry was about to sigh it's last, exhausted breath,
panic set in a little.. 
but now that I have crossed over to the dark side,
all I can say is - 
WHY did I wait so long?!!!

1 2 3 4 5 6

What side of the fence to you live on?
Any words of wisdom to pass on to the new girl?


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