This and That

This is a random post to catch up on what we did for Valentine's Day and and last weekend! We celebrated Valentine's Day on the Saturday because on that Monday, my husband had a business trip. He came home on Friday night with these gorgeous cupcakes from Selfridges!

My husband always used to bring home flowers when we lived in New York, but since moving to London we hadn't even gotten a vase yet for our flat! I surprised him with a new vase and these pink roses! He loved them! They smelled lovely, even though these tiny pink roses were all I could get so close to Valentine's Day.

He also brought home these adorable cake pops from Selfridges, my favorite, and a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, which is hard to come by here in Blighty!

On the Saturday before Valentine's Day we had a lovely cakepops breakfast in bed! haha Mine said "Sugar Lips" on it... appropriate, no?

We walked around that day on King's Road for shopping and found this fabulous market where they were selling all kinds of different foods, cheeses and other things. We picked up some lovely Mango & Sunflower green tea and another one that has Jasmine in it. We walked so much that day that we ended up in Knightsbridge and then walked all the way back. It was a great little adventure!

We then came home for dinner. I'm not really into the overpriced, turn and burn scenario that accompanies restaurants on Valentine's Day. I picked up Sushi Rolls for our appetiser and then made filet steaks with mashed potatoes and corn. This is a close-up of my cupcake desert! So pretty!

During the week I saw this t-shirt at TK Maxx and had to take a photo! Too funny!

This past weekend, we headed back down King's Road way to look at antique stores and vintage shops. Unfortunately the vintage shop we were looking for had closed since we heard about it, but we still had fun. This is my hubby modeling a turn of the century top hat. Isn't he cute?

I loved this candle chandelier made out of antlers. It was HUGE!

And when we saw this ginormous chandelier, I had no choice but to start singing The Phantom of the Opera! I would say this chandelier is bigger than my living room! The antiques we saw were crazy! Everything for the most part was 19th century or older and VERY VERY expensive. I hardly saw anything that was less than 10,000 pounds! Yikes!

We saw this ad on a bus stop and I had to snap it! It's about time they put the Kentucky back into KFC!

I also scored these new shoes at Zara for 20 pounds! I absolutely love them and haven't bought any heels for a while! These gold metallic beauties should be fairly versatile though and they're super comfy! I can't wait to give em a spin! With my 30th coming up soon, they've now been nicknamed by Birthday Disco Ball Shoes! I suspect I'll wear them on the big day!
Well, we're all caught up now! I hope you all had a great weekend!

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