Happy Monday!

It sounds like everyone is having a Snow Day today! Welcome to my world! haha.

Well, I'm back in town and back at the office today. I loved this morning, though, because Mr. Hockey (L) & I got to carpool to work together today! :o) He has orientation for his new job all week in the city next to the city where I work so we made the long drive together, dropped him off, and I'll pick him up after work! We usually have such different schedules, with him working 12 hours at a time during the week. Meaning, he's up and gone before me, home hours after I get home, and works every other weekend. So, its a real treat when we can spend the morning together during the week :o)

As for the weekend, I had such a wonderful time Up North. It was so good to relax and hang out with my whole family. We ate good food, did some shopping, snow-tubed (woo hoo!), and celebrated my youngest sisters birthday. All in all, a great time. I have some good pictures to share, but only have one photo here at the office that my sister sent to me. I'll post some tubing pics and more later!

This is two of my sisters, my cousin, my Aunt, and I having breakfast at an adorable little cafe connected to the cutest little shabby-chic gift shop. We had the best breakfast parfaits and home-made scones. So yummy!

I also have to share a hilarious story with you all. So, our hotel allowed dogs. Now, of course this doesn't mean they allow dogs to just roam the place. But, they allow them as long as they stay in the room and are well behaved, etc. So of course we knew that our perfectly well behaved Chessie would be an angel. Really, she is the most laid back, well behaved dog I've ever known. Anyway, we got back to the hotel from snow-tubing and were getting ready to head down to the pool for a quick dip before dinner. I walked into my dad & step-mom's room and my dad asked if Chessie was in our room. I looked at him and said "Ugggh, No.." So immediately we rushed into the hall and low and behold, a hotel employee was walking her down the hall to us. My dad was mortified and began to apologize to the man. Then the man says.. "Yes, we found her in the kitchen." O-M-G! I couldn't help but laugh. Chessie had wandered from the room and made her way to the hotel kitchen! Can you imagine if you were the chef and all of the sudden you looked down and a big eyed golden retriever was staring back at you?! Luckily, the manager who brought her back to us laughed about it too and everything was okay. Absolutely hilarious!

Well, I hope you all had a great weekend and are enjoying the snow that I know is all over the country right now! The good news is, its March and Spring is on its way!!


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