Out With the Old, In With the New!

Our friends are hosting a little event in a few weeks. It's like a swap, buy and sell. Everyone is bringing a bunch of stuff they don't want anymore and all items will be priced at $1 each. We can all buy and sell each other's stuff and then the proceeds will be donated to the Cayman Islands Humane Society! This seems like a really great opportunity to unload some of the crap in our house we're never going to use! So I've been purging all day. We're off today in celebration of the Queen's Birthday, which is actually in April, but regardless, God bless her and her birthday cause it's a 3 day weekend here in Cayman every year!

I thought I'd also share some goodies I picked up last week, starting with this candle!

I love these Mixture soy candles in Wild Currant. They are a little expensive at about $25 each, but they are totally worth it! They last for ages and seriously, one candle burning for about 20 minutes will make an entire room fragrant!

And it's a beautiful, simple white candle in a classic glass holder. So these go with any room. I love them! I'm not sure where else they're available, but here on Grand Cayman, they are sold at Bedside Manor in Camana Bay.

I also got this adorable pillbox. I'm prone to occasional headaches, especially with island heat and low pressure weather, so I keep Advil in my purse at all times. How cute is this for putting a few tablets in?

I hope all your weeks started off great today!
Pink Julep!


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