Our Funny Puppy

Okay, so I know people do these little lists of things to remember what their kids were up to at a certain age. But, until we have our own little ones running around doing new and wonderful things, Tilly Mae is our child to gush about!

She's constantly cracking Lance and I up with her antics, so I thought I'd do a post about our silly Miss Tilly!
  • This one is a given: she LOVES to chew. Cardboard boxes, wood chairs, rocks, cement driveways, toilet paper, q-tips, carpet, boots, shoes, sunglasses, rugs, drawer handles.... you get the picture. However, she does a really good job of stopping when you say "Hey! No!"
    (Photo from the cabin Up North when she was around 3 or 4 months old- this mess is what we woke up to!)

  • When you say "Hey! No!" she looks at you, then slyly leans back down and begins to lick whatever it was that she got in trouble for chewing. It is the funniest thing! Its like she knows she was caught and is trying to cover up her bad deed by giving it some love!
  • We have a few cardboard boxes sitting in our office that she attempts surgery on daily. At any given time we can walk out into our hallway and there will be a trail of cardboard pieces scattered about. We just let her do it, because it seems to help her teething and we don't need the boxes. It just requires a lot of cleanup all day long.
  • We've been taking her "Bucket Photos" every couple of weeks. She just doesn't fit in that bucket anymore, though! She'll sit in it for a moment, and as soon as you take your hand away, forget about it. Its still neat to see how big she has become in just weeks!
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  • She loves eating ice cubes. She knows as soon as we open the freezer that she's getting one. We drop it on the floor for her, her tail starts wagging like mad, she picks it up, and takes it to her "ice eating place." She has a certain spot on the living room rug where she ALWAYS takes the ice to eat. Too funny!

  • Her "den" is in the dining room.. who am I kidding.. her den IS the dining room! We don't have a very big dining room and all that we had in it was a round dining room table with 4 chairs around it. That's about the extent of furniture placement in that room. Well, as soon as we brought Miss Tilly home, the dining room table and chairs were pushed into one corner to make room for her kennel, which is surrounded by a pen for extra confined space. It has worked out really well, but that room has definitely morphed from dining to doggy room. Its okay, though, because when we did our basement renovation, we created a dining room that we love!

  • Every morning when I come downstairs to let her out of her pen, she is so cuddly :) She waltzes over, puts her head in my lap and just snuggles with her sleepy little eyes. Its one of my favorite parts of the day.

  • She loves frozen sweet potatoes. We peel the skin off, freeze them, and they are the perfect treat/chewy for a teething puppy!

  • She loves the water. She's still a little hesitant about jumping into the lake for a swim, but anything that has to do with the beach, sprinkler, mini-pool, hose.. she's all for it. When I'm in our backyard watering the flowers, I'll put the hose setting on full and spray it at the ground in circles. She chases it, barking and trying to catch the spray. Cracks me up every time.

  • We call her "Bug" as a nickname because she used to make this funny noise when she whined that sounded like an insect. She still makes the noise sometimes. Its pretty funny.

  • She has a longer, slim face and big ears. Its one of the cutest things about her! When she looks down at you from the top of the stairs, her ears sort of fall into her face and its the most adorable thing!

  • She's pushing 35 pounds, but still thinks she's a lap dog. I don't see this changing any time soon. In the car, she somehow makes her way up to my lap and even Lance's when he's driving. (I know, doesn't sound like the safest thing, but she still manages to fit perfectly in his lap.) Pretty soon, though, its going to be impossible. I'll be a sad momma then!

  • She just makes us smile every single day! My eyes get a little misty when I think about the fact that she's going to be the trusty sidekick and best buddy to our future children, just like the Goldens Lance and I grew up with were. Makes my heart smile. She's our special little pup! :)
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