

This is from the newspaper yesterday and I would say that if you haven't yet heard about the riots in London, you're probably living under a rock. The riots that have been going on originally started because some people in Tottenham, a borough of London were protesting the shooting of a resident by police, however they have now spread to nearly every major city in England. Scary stuff!

On my way home from work I saw this. The window says "Local, Trusted, Recommended," but the staff have edited the message to include "AND SCARED," which describes the sentiment in London yesterday.

All the shops and offices were closed last night, even mini-marts that are normally open 24 hours a day and the city that is normally vibrant and excited shut down completely. Last night London was eerily quiet like a ghost town.

The good news is that London seems to have been relatively calm. Groups of people have arranged massive clean-up efforts through social media channels and the city that I am proud to call home has shown itself to be resilient and strong. People have banded together to say that they won't stand for this kind of violence and that their neighbourhoods are important to them! It's nice to see such a community effort in the face of danger and unrest!

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