Outfit of the Day: Rain Gear

Today was a weird weather day! It started out pouring pouring pouring rain and around 8:30am there was such a big thunder crack it sounded like an earthquake. This huge cracking noise was what really woke me up before my first class today. The rain always makes my days a bit lazier, but I have a HUGE test in my anatomy and physiology class tomorrow. Check out some of my other recent Polyvores! I can't say enough how much I'm loving my new pink Target boots!!

I'm basically taking two separate A&P courses right now between my lab and lecture (which really DO NOT coincide) and for the past 2 weeks and now this week, I've had a test each week. I'm so tired and just need a break. Spring break really could not come at a better time! As of this morning, I had 36 hours of class, but not that is a little reduced. I have to keep in mind that I'll be done soon and next week will be great since I don't have any tests or big looming assignments (yet).

Between group projects, tests, giving tours, working, and helping out some friends, I have been swamped ever since the semester started. I can't believe that February is almost over! I feel like I was just saying that January was over!! Soon enough it'll be spring break and then we'll be back in school for about a month-and-a-half and then it's finals before I know it!! Wow, that's insane! Unfortunately I think I'm getting sick :( :( :( because I've had a sore throat for the past few days and today is seemed to get a lot worse. As I study here in the library, I'm sitting here with some tea so I think that should help. I better get back to work since this is the home stretch! Soon it will be warm weather here and I'll be in a warm weather destination!! Wooo Hoooo!



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